Smart-Card App

Digitalisation is more up-to-date and in demand than ever. The ProTec team is glad to present you the ProTec Smart-Card App. This innovative application provides you an access to your diving certificates anytime and anywhere.  It is very easy to use and super convenient. Don’t worry to lose your dive-id-cards or forget them at home while you are already on your way to diving.

With ProTec Smart-Card App your diving certifications are always with you.

Our App shows all the necessary data, which are also on the plastic card and even a little more. The SmartCard is an e-card, i.e. an electronic one. The digital card is much more counterfeit-proof than any plastic cards that can now be reprinted. Download the ProTec Smart-Card App and you will never look back to plastic cards. Let´s be environmentally responsible and fight together against our planet and oceans contamination. For more information please visit our download information.